Drinking Jean Naté!

Fanta Citrus!!!! (Formely Known As Citra)
September 27, 2005, 12:16 am
Filed under: boxes from friends, coca cola, discontinued

Fanta Citrus!! (Formely Known As Citra)

When Citra died in 2002-ish (maybe even 2001?) it became Fanta Citrus in some areas. I had this Friday night while making a tape for a friend (a tape of old commercials and stuff) and this stuff tastes better than Citra ever did (and keep in mind, this can had expired back in January). Coke calls it a “grapefruit flavored soda”, and I’ll agree to that, its like Fresca but with sugar.

The only downside to this soda is when I drink clear sodas, [TMI] my mouth gets all mucus-y and for a few minutes I have a hard time swallowing[/TMI].

This was canned in College Park, GA, and I bought it off of sodafinder.com.

Fanta Citrus gets extra props for having the prettiest fanta can.

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That is a pretty can.

Comment by Steven Swain

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